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Haier HVTEC12DABS Dual Zone Wine Cooler Review
Best Budget 12-Bottle Dual Zone Wine Cooler

The Perfect Gift (to Get or Give)

I’m one of those few people that are lucky enough to love my job, and everyone I work with gets on famously. I guess it’s because we’re a pretty small bistro and the owner is kind to us (she’s actually one of my best friends).

Just recently a co-worker of mine had a really important birthday coming up. I won’t mention her age (you know how women are about that sort of thing), but this particular milestone in her life deserved something special.

So we all got our heads together and started to think about what we could get her that was special enough that she would always remember it. During one of our conversations someone said “What about a wine cooler?” We have one in our bistro (a 32-bottle wine cooler) and it suddenly dawned on us that she has repeatedly said how much she loved it, and she does indeed like her wine.

We hemmed and hawed about this idea for a moment. I mean, she is our friend. We knew we didn’t have much money to work with and we didn’t want to go out and get her some terrible wine cooler that barely does its job, just because that’s all we could afford.

Haier 12-Bottle Curved Door Wine Cellar

Haier HVTEC12DABS Wine Cooler
See it on Amazon

Of course, everyone decided I should be the one tasked with finding the perfect model because they all know how I am about wine and wine coolers. I’ve bored my co-workers often enough! Anyway, I immediately started to search on the internet and after a good look around I came across the Haier 12-Bottle Dual Zone Wine Cooler. According to everything I read by other consumers, it seemed like it performed well. To top that off, it was within our budget, beautiful on the inside and out, and had a host of great features.

Great Style

It was black in color and really sleek looking, so I figured it would go with most decor in the home and I wasn’t too worried about it fitting in. It also had a really cool but understated light that illuminated the bottles inside, which I know is something that she liked about the bistro cooler.

All the Bells and Whistles

We wanted to be sure that we got her something useful. We didn’t want to just go buy her a typical bar fridge and tell her to figure out the temperature settings by adjusting some dial with numbers marked between 1 and 10. What do those numbers even mean, anyway?

I figured this cooler was perfect for her, because it has easily adjustable temperature settings, a neat looking blue LED readout of the temperature, and a bunch of other interesting features.

Multiple Sizes to Choose From

I liked that this cooler comes in multiple sizes, all with the same overall appearance and all with bells and whistles galore! There is a small, countertop-sized 6-bottle cooler, an 8-bottle cooler, a 12-bottle cooler, one that holds 16 bottles and one large enough to store 18 bottles.

We ended up settling on the 12-bottle option. We did this mostly because it lies somewhere in the middle of all the others. We figured that she does love wine, but we didn’t want to overwhelm her with a huge cooler.

The Gift that Keeps Giving

When I showed my find to the rest of the group they were equally impressed (especially with the price), so we ordered it and had it delivered to her home on the day of her birthday.

Of course, we had a card waiting for her when she arrived to the office that morning. When she walked through the door, we were all eagerly waiting for what she had to say.

To our delight she was utterly taken aback that we had sent her such a thoughtful gift and that she had set it up before she left home. A few days later we asked how she was getting on with her new wine cooler. It seems we made the right choice and she had plenty to say!

First of all, she was thrilled that the cooler was compact and that she could now chill all of the wine she had, both reds and whites. She also loved the design, but best of all she could now stop worrying that her wines would go bad because they were too warm or would lose their flavor because they were too cool. She also said that it was really quiet.

In her words “It’s the perfect solution!”

What I love most about this gift is that it just keeps on giving. Not only did she receive it as a gift from us, but now we are routinely invited over for tasting parties where we get to enjoy an assortment of wines and an endless amount of laughter.


When our friend opened up her huge birthday box she mentioned that she thought it was incredibly generous and must have cost a fortune. I’m just thankful that she has no idea exactly how well priced it was! Whether this is something you plan to give to yourself or someone else (or even something you intend to put on your own Christmas or birthday list) it is bound to impress, especially for its price. Have a look here on and see for yourself how affordable it is.

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